Brad Wiles – Santa Cruz Personal Injury Lawyer

Brad Wiles

Wiles & Wiles Personal Injury Attorneys

(831) 426-3140

518 Ocean St., Ste. B
Santa Cruz , CA 95060

Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Brad Wiles

Wiles & Wiles Personal Injury Attorneys

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Firm Summary

For over forty years Santa Cruz personal injury attorney, Brad Wiles, has been helping individuals involved in personal injury accidents. And while that takes up a lot of his time and attention, he does have a life outside the office and courtroom.

He has been a Santa Cruz resident for over 50 years, and graduated from Cabrillo College, University of California Santa Cruz, and Monterey College of Law. He has been married to his wife Linda for 40 years and has two children and four grandchildren. Linda assists in the office or Wiles & Wiles, so it really is a family affair.

He is also a lifelong surfer and cyclist, and as a hobby chef cooks dinner every Sunday night for his extended family of ten.

Brad and Linda have cycled all over the world including South America, Europe and throughout the entire United States. Brad still rides his bike approximately 80 miles per week, so it should be clear why he’s passionate about keeping Santa Cruz safe by holding the negligent accountable, and why personal injury law is a good fit for him.