Ben Bingham – Reno Personal Injury Lawyer

Ben Bingham

Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC

(775) 600-6000

(702) 382-9798

1320 E Plumb Lane
Ste A
Reno , NV 89502

Open 24 Hours

Ben Bingham

Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC

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Firm Summary

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by the legal system and the profound impact it can have on people’s lives. This fascination first manifested itself in the sixth grade, during a simple writing exercise that asked, ‘What are you going to be when you grow up?’ While most kids my age were dreaming of becoming astronauts or veterinarians, I penned a future where I pursued law school and established a law practice with my cousin, Joe Benson.

This wasn’t just a child’s daydream; it was a vision that I turned into a reality. Forty years later, Benson & Bingham stands as a testament to that early ambition. With five locations throughout Nevada, our firm specializes in personal injury cases, dedicating our expertise to helping thousands of victims. Our commitment to justice and client welfare has not only propelled us to the forefront of Nevada’s legal landscape but also made us the state’s fastest-growing personal injury firm.

My journey in law is a story of a childhood dream realized through dedication, hard work, and an unwavering belief in the power of justice. It’s a narrative about turning aspirations into achievements and underscores the impact one can have when they’re driven by passion and guided by integrity.

Having broken numerous bones in my body on several occasions (right arm twice, left arm once, seventh cervical vertebra, torn off bottom lip, right ankle twice, left ankle, bruised and broken ribs to name a few) and having plenty of surgeries to correct the same, I can relate to most of the pain and suffering issues clients present. When a client is in pain or doesn’t have their health, it changes their eating habits, sleeping habits, creates depression and makes them sharp tempered. Having personally experienced the challenges associated with pain and suffering and rehabilitation helps me understand the healing process an injured client endures.

In my early career as an attorney I primarily practiced in the areas of criminal defense and personal injury. While criminal defense provided me with great exposure to the court system, making 5-20 appearances a day, personal injury was my desire. Personally, I feel that an attorney must make the decision to focus on one area of law. It is impractical to be a jack-of-all-tades attorney with the intricacies presented in each area of practice. In 2006, I was able to make the transition and dedicate my practice exclusively to helping personal injury victims.

Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC is a small firm dedicated to our clients. We have made the decision to maintain our intimate size so clients receive the attention they deserve. From the time a personal injury client walks into our office they recognize “the difference.” As attorneys we personally meet with each and every client to address their needs. In many cases we have staff member sit in on the initial consultation so our staff is properly informed of potential issues. We do not simply allow clients to meet with case managers. While we typically sign up between 700 to 800 cases each year, we are not a volume firm. We have taken the oath to seek justice for each client individually. No law firm treats their clients better than Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers, LLC.

While it may sound cliche, we truly gain satisfaction in helping the “little guy”. In the past nineteen years of practicing law we have seen such a shift in insurance companies going from the business of helping people into the business of denying people. The “little guy” doesn’t stand a chance alone. Our ideal client is the average individual who simply becomes the victim of negligence and cannot get the wrongdoer or Insurance company to do the right thing. Perhaps it’s easier to describe the ideal Defendant in a civil action…someone who refuses to accept responsibility.