George Fleming – Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

George Fleming

Fleming | Nolen | Jez L.L.P.

(713) 621-7944

2800 Post Oak Blvd
Suite 6000
Houston , TX 77056

Monday to Friday 8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed

George Fleming

Fleming | Nolen | Jez L.L.P.

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Firm Summary

Founder of Fleming, Nolen & Jez L.L.P. (“FNJ”), a law firm of civil trial lawyers. FNJ concentrates its practice on personal injury and mass tort litigation. The firm has won billions in verdicts and settlements for our clients.

Lead trial lawyer in a mass tort property damage case. Fleming tried the case to punitive damage jury verdicts eight times for different groups of clients over fourteen months of actual trial time. He was the only lawyer to ever try the case obtaining millions each time he tried the case. The case ended up settling for over two billion dollars.

Personal injury mass tort cases. Fleming was lead counsel on the first case the firm tried to a jury verdict. The jury returned a verdict of over $29 million. FNJ’s trial lawyers tried the case to juries 27 times with Fleming trying almost half of those. FNJ cases settled for over one billion.

George Fleming has been lead counsel on a number of trials against aviation companies¾Cessna, Piper, Beech, Continental Airlines (now United Airlines); Avianca; Tan; Sasha; Boeing; TWA; Eastern Airlines; American Airlines; Delta Airlines; among others.

Trials against major oil and gas companies. For example, Fleming tried a case against Exxon that resulted in a jury verdict of over $10 million that was affirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

FNJ lawyers have been appointed by a number of federal and state Judges to serve as lead counsel and on Plaintiff Steering Committees (PSC) in a number of major mass tort cases.

George Fleming is a native Texan who received his Bachelor of Business Administration and Juris Doctor from the University of Texas at Austin. He began his law career as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice, representing the United States in major trial cases. George subsequently returned to Texas and became a partner in an Austin law firm.

Then he moved to Houston to start his own practice, focusing on mass torts, aviation disasters, product liability, and plaintiff’s personal injury. He founded the firm that became Fleming, Nolen & Jez, L.L.P., where he established his reputation in mass tort, aviation and consumer litigation cases.

George Fleming’s legal memberships include the State Bar of Texas, Houston Bar Association, Texas Trial Lawyers Association, American Bar Association, and the American Association for Justice. George is widely published, with articles appearing in several major legal journals. He is also a frequent Speaker on emerging trial techniques and trends, mass tort litigation, and class action litigation.

Examples of Scope of Representation

  • Has lead Fleming Nolen & Jez in $5 billion in verdicts and settlements. A number of years ago the firm exceeded $5 billion in verdicts and settlements and we stopped counting.
  • In Re: Polybutylene Plumbing Litigation – represented 60,000 people in individual actions and a class of 6 million; was the only lawyer to try the case; tried the case 8 times over 15 months of actual jury trial time; over 10,000 depositions; 16 appeals; court-appointed auditor found $22 million in client-reimbursable expenses; and successfully concluded resolution for over $2 billion.
  • In Re: Diet Drugs Products Liability Litigation – conducted an echocardiogram program pursuant to MDL Court directive of over 40,000 individuals to identify over 8,000 “FDA positive” individuals; represented those over 8,000 individuals in the litigation; over 12,000 depositions; 27 trials conducted by FNJ attorneys with half as Mr. Fleming as lead trial counsel; spent over $38 million in client-reimbursable expenses and another $32 million in overhead expenses, Fen-Phen I and II successfully settled for over $1 billion.