Evan W. Walker – La Jolla Injury Lawyer

Evan Walker

The Law Office Of Evan W. Walker

(858) 324-6606


888 Prospect Street
Suite 200
La Jolla , CA 92037

Monday to Friday, 8:30AM – 5PM

Evan Walker

The Law Office Of Evan W. Walker

Google Business Profile


Firm Summary

Evan is a San Diego attorney who represents people with serious personal injury and property damage claims. Evan’s wife is an infectious disease doctor at UCSD. He and his wife have two sons, Noah and Isaac.

Evan is a solo attorney and the CEO of Evan Walker Law, APC. If Evan thinks he can help you with your case, you will only work with him. You’ll never be passed off to a paralegal or secretary.

Evan is from a small town outside of New Orleans. He went to law school in New Orleans and lived through Hurricane Katrina. Evan graduated law school in 2008. He worked for a New Orleans insurance defense firm defending insurance companies against Hurricane Katrina lawsuits.

Later he and his wife moved to New Haven, Connecticut, so his wife could complete a medical residency at Yale. Evan spent the next several years working for an international insurance company defending personal injury lawsuits.

In 2014, Evan and his family moved to San Diego. He immediately passed the bar and opened his law firm in 2015. Since 2015, Evan has represented people with serious personal injury and property damage claims.

Because Evan used to work for insurance companies, he knows how they deny, delay, and defend claims.