Sean Bana – Beverly Hills Personal Injury Lawyer

Sean Bana


(855) 906-3699

9701 Wilshire Boulevard
12th Floor
Beverly Hills , CA 90212

Monday to Friday 8:00AM–5:00PM

Saturday – Sunday Closed

Sean Bana


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Firm Summary

My name is Sean Banafsheh. I’m one of the partners at BD&J, been here since day one. I helped found this firm, and we’ve been trying to do everything we can since then to make this operation better and better every day. I became a lawyer because I thought I’d be good at it, be able to fight for people. And it’s been now 12 years or so, and we’ve done a good job, and I feel proud of what we’ve done for people.

From day one, we made it a big priority for us to foster the relationships that we have with the clients. Because I know how important that is for the clients, and they’ll literally know everything that’s going on behind the scenes all the time, so it’s important to have communication and treat them the way you want to be treated. For me, I’ve always thought it was really important for you to like your attorney and to be able to reach your attorney at all times. It’s just an important part of the process, not just in the results, but the process is very important as well. And part of that is being able to call me and me calling you back, and I try to make myself accessible however I can: through email, cell phone, landline, whatever I can do to make them feel comfortable.