Gary Green – Little Rock Personal Injury Lawyer

Gary Green

Law Offices of Gary Green, P.A

(501) 224-7400

1001 La Harpe Boulevard
Little Rock , Arkansas 72201

Monday to Friday 8:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Gary Green

Law Offices of Gary Green, P.A

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Firm Summary

My wife, Patricia, and I are happily married and have four children between us, Kayce, Alexia, Meggie, and Brice. Kayce and her husband Matt Price have given us our first grandchildren. Zelda guards the house.

Texarkana, Arkansas is where I was reared by my parents, Donna and Ronald Green. Sister Kimi Langford and brothers Clark Green and Ronnie Green live in Texarkana.

In my spare time I tend to a pecan grove and a vineyard. I do a little bird hunting and a little trout fishing. I walk for exercise and lately spend time developing the Woodglen Park subdivision which is down the street from our home in Little Rock. I have published Grand-Pére Bear, An American Bear in Paris, and A Day with Grand-Pére partly for the grandchildren, partly as love stories, and partly to profess that every trial lawyer should be able to tell a story. In 2020 I penned Buen Camino, some of my musings as I walked El Camino Francés, The French Way of the Way of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. In 2021, I published, A People’s Practice, a how-to book for lawyers and a memoir of sorts. (If you’re a lawyer and would like to receive a complimentary copy, send an e-mail request to ).

A typical day for me begins at sun up and winds down with dinner at 7:00 p.m. I enjoy work and would work too much but for Patricia’s insistence from day one that I be at the dinner table by 7:00. That is a tradition which she instilled in me and our children – one that I very much appreciate and to which I attribute much of our success as a couple and a family.

Recently I was asked why I became and whether I still enjoy being a lawyer. Intent to avoid platitudes, I explained that the first part was easy: I was lucky to have family, friends and teachers who encouraged and guided me. Why do I continue to practice law? Because it’s what I do best. In my mind being a lawyer is no different and no more important than being a brick layer or carpenter or mechanic. I go to them when I need their help and hope they will call on me when they need mine.

What are a few things I have learned in over forty years of practicing law? I was lucky early on to learn that if I earnestly try to help my clients, others will help me do that; that if I take care of my clients, they will take care of me. I know that clients who call on me have been knocked down and need help to get back, as much as possible, to where they were. Sometimes it is as easy as helping a little old lady cross the street, and sometimes it calls for all out war. I enjoy both. I have learned from mentor John Ward that to be successful one needs, most of the time, to be the first one to arrive at and the last one to leave the workplace. From mentor Miles Hale I learned that a people’s practice is an honorable calling. From mentor Gary Eubanks I learned that if you’re going to advertise, you’d better be good at what you do. I was taught by my parents and grandparents to follow the golden rule, and then by my law school professors and judges not to mention it!