Gabriel Pimentel – Pasadena Personal Injury Lawyer

Gabriel Pimentel

Pimentel Law

(877) 265-8084

30 N. Raymond Avenue
Suite 210
Pasadena , California 91103

Contact 24/7

Gabriel Pimentel

Pimentel Law

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Firm Summary

At Pimentel Law, we take what we do seriously. We don’t put our faces on billboards or have catchy TV and radio jingles. Instead, we let our work speak for itself. We are not “billboard” or “radio jingle” lawyers. These types of law practices are typically “high-volume,” which means that they are usually too overwhelmed with cases to give yours the time and attention it deserves.

What separates us from other law firms is that our lawyers handle only a small, select number of cases. Our focus is quality, not quantity. This allows us to spend whatever amount of time it takes to prepare your case for a win at trial or a large out-of-court settlement.