Henry Haddad – Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer

Henry Haddad

Law Offices of Henry Haddad

(213) 387-0099

(213) 389-4715


3600 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 332
Los Angeles , CA 90010

Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Henry Haddad

Law Offices of Henry Haddad

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Firm Summary

Were you injured in a car accident? It can happen all of a sudden, even if you are a safe driver who obeys the rules of the road there is always someone on the road who is either in a hurry, inattentive, on his or her cell phone, driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or simply driving dangerously in total disregard for the safety of others. In a busy city, car accidents are a common and in many instances someone will suffer a severe life disabling injuries.

So it should not be referred to as an ”accident”. Children have accidents because they do not know better or do not have experience but adults, young or old, who are inattentive while driving a motor vehicle put everyone’s life at risk. Speeding or running through an intersection on a red light, texting while driving or being under the influence while driving should not be considered an accident because we know better.

According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, there were 57,777 motor vehicle traffic injuries that resulted in emergency room visits in 2010, the latest year of reporting. If you or your family were injured in a car, pedestrian, or motorcycle accident which was caused by another driver, then it is critical to get a personal injury attorney to represent you so that you may obtain a recovery that fully compensates you for all your losses.

We have a record of getting millions of dollars in results for clients. We identify damages and injuries that are overlooked by many people. These normally fall within the quality of life circumstances and are compensable losses (you can receive money for you pain and discomfort).

From reconciling your medical records, evaluating your damages, assessing liability issues and interviewing witnesses in an accident, a personal injury attorney ensures that you are getting the maximum recovery you are entitled to. Don’t settle for less.

Providing You with Personalized Attention
If you do not have medical insurance we can arrange for you to get medical treatment from the best professionals. You won’t have to pay for your medical treatment out of your pocket; this allows you to focus on your recovery and your family-the most important things in life. This includes hospital stays and surgeries, if necessary.