Kurt Schultz – Plymouth Injury Lawyer

Kurt Schultz

Law Office of Kurt M. Schultz PLLC

(734) 451-0900


843 Penniman Ave
Ste 201
Plymouth , MI 48170

Open 24 hours

Kurt Schultz

Law Office of Kurt M. Schultz PLLC

Google Business Profile


Firm Summary

Greetings. My name is Kurt Schultz, and I am proud to say that I am a personal injury attorney. I take tremendous pleasure in my job because I get to help people. I went to college and law school at Wayne State University. While attending school I lived and worked in Detroit city. I paid for my own education by bartending and waiting tables. Nothing was handed to me. I earned it. And that is how I approach my law practice. I put the time in, work hard and earn it every single day.

This area of law has been my passion and primary focus for well over a decade. At the risk of boasting, I have had a more fair amount of success in that time. At one point I had a number of associate attorneys, and endeavored to hire more lawyers, seeking to become a “large law firm.” And then I had an Epiphany. When I used to imagine being a lawyer (yes, when I was young I wanted to be a lawyer, not a fireman!), it wasn’t the large executive boardroom table, complete with high back leather chairs, filled with a bunch of tailored suits. it was me helping somebody. That is what I imagined. That is why I went to law school. I went to be a lawyer, not a businessman. I helped associates find their own ways/callings. And in a short period of time my passion returned. I could also become more particular about who I represented since I did not have to support and manage a bunch of lawyers!

See I want to be the person who calls you to discuss what is going on with your case and answer your questions. Not my paralegal, me. I want to come to your house and meet with you if you are unable to come to my office. Not some “associate attorney”, private investigator or Runner, paid by the firm, me! I want to go to court on your behalf, sit next to you during depositions and help you accomplish our goals, to see you get the redress you deserve. Not an associate attorney, me. It was that epiphany that proved to me the time-honored adage “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”. I realized that it was not about how many attorneys I had working, it was quality of the work performed. And its not about how many clients a firm has, it’s about how well the firm does for their clients! Contrary to what many people believe, it is all about integrity. That is why I have chosen to maintain a small law firm. So I can actually be a lawyer and help people, all while maintaining my integrity.

The results I achieve for my clients are as good as or better than any “Big Box” firm out there. The vast majority of my current clients were referred to me by my former clients. That fact makes me feel very good. I take pride in that. I take pride in the fact that I have held onto some “blue collar” even though my collar is white these days. I choose to talk with my clients, not down to them. I choose to own American cars, not fancy imports. I take pride in these things. A hard day’s work still means something.

Truth be told I cannot guarantee you that I will recover a million dollars for you. Or even a hundred thousand! Remember this, if any attorney ever says that, without having spent some hours looking into the matter (determining if there is an insurer involved, investigating the facts and individuals involved, understanding your injuries fully, and at minimum determining insurance policy limits), you will know immediately that you are being lied to. No honest attorney can make such a “guarantee,” and any attorney who does is simply telling you what you want to hear in order for you to retain him/her. All I can guarantee is that when you retain my firm, your attorney will know who you are. Just as importantly, you will know your lawyer. That I work for my clients. I mean that literally and figuratively. I will Not only “work hard” for you, but in representing you I quite literally “work for you.” Seems like these days many attorneys forget who works for whom. Not me. I also pledge brutal honesty, timely communication and tireless effort.