Landyn Harmon – Columbus Personal Injury Lawyer

Landyn Harmon

Landyn Harmon Law

(812) 372-4456

(812) 375-9174

230 Franklin St
Columbus , IN 47201

Landyn Harmon

Landyn Harmon Law


Firm Summary

Landyn K. Harmon, Attorney At Law, has managed his own firm since Oct. 31, 2005. He was formerly with Trueblood, Harmon, Carter and Cook in Terre Haute, Indiana, from 1981 to 1991, and with Eynon, Harmon, Rocker & Glover, PC, in Columbus, Indiana. from 1992 to 2005.

Attorney Harmon is starting his 36th year representing Hoosiers and their families in Indiana state and federal courts on settlements and trials on cases, including death and injury claims, insurance, contract and probate disputes, and all forms of family law cases including dissolution, custody, visitation, support, paternity and juvenile cases. He is also a civil mediator registered with the Indiana Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education, a Fellow of the Indiana Bar Foundation, a former President of District 11 Legal Aid and member of its Board of Directors, a volunteer for Hospice of South Central Indiana, and a member of the Executive Board of ABC Stewart Montessori School in Columbus, Indiana. His professional memberships include the Bartholomew County Bar Association, the Indiana State Bar Association, and the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association.

Attorney Harmon is the author of What’s This Case Worth? Mining the Past, an article published in Vol. 32 No. 4 of VERDICT, the quarterly journal of the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association.

Anyone needing legal help is welcome to entrust their legal problems to him, and special rates are available to the injured, the elderly, and veterans.