Martin Schmidt – San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer

Martin Schmidt

Schmidt National Law Group

(800) 631-5656

3033 5th Ave
Suite #335
San Diego , CA 92103

Monday to Thursday 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Martin Schmidt

Schmidt National Law Group

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Firm Summary

Attorney Martin Schmidt is a trial lawyer licensed to practice law in Kentucky and California. His law firm, Schmidt National Law Group, focuses on representing victims in local personal injury claims, and national mass tort cases.

Although Mr. Schmidt finished law school in the top 10% of his class at Northern Kentucky, his first-hand understanding of his real purpose began after he was a victim himself.

“I was badly injured in a car accident.  Lying strapped to a stretcher in the back of an ambulance and wondering what was happening to me, I thought about all the clients I represented in similar situations. Did they feel this way? Where am I going? How hurt am I? Will I be able to work, pay the bills, or take care of my family?”

Mr. Schmidt’s battle to restore his health took several years of intense physical therapy. The battle to restore other aspects of his life proved even more taxing, as the insurance company refused to do the right thing. It was an insult to his injuries, and required his special set of legal talents to prevail.  Since the incident, every client he has had the privilege of representing puts him back in their shoes. Martin Schmidt truly empathizes with his clients, as he knows first-hand the fear of losing everything and having the insurance company turn its back.

After several years of litigating local personal injury cases, Martin Schmidt began investigating claims against large pharmaceutical companies in product liability cases which led to him researching the off-label use of Zofran to treat morning sickness in pregnant women. This research developed into the first failure to warn cases against Zofran’s manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline in the United States and caught fire after getting attention from several other large law firms. Schmidt currently represents more than 1000 Zofran claimants nationwide.

Mr. Schmidt then began investigating new claimants injured by the then-popular permanent contraceptive device, Essure, and filed the first California case against Bayer. After Schmidt broke ground on the case against Bayer’s Essure device, other law firms followed suit and thousands of new Essure cases were filed. Although these cases are still pending, Martin Schmidt has already won a small victory for women as the FDA began putting pressure on Bayer, who eventually pulled Essure from the market.

Martin Schmidt represents thousands of claimants nationwide in a variety of dangerous drug and defective medical device cases, including cases against JUUL’s e-cigarettes, Monsanto’s Roundup, Bard’s IVC filters, Stryker’s hip implants, Depuy’s knee implants, and many others.

Mr. Schmidt serves in a leadership role on the Essure Steering Committee. He has been awarded Top 100 Trial Lawyers and Top Trial Attorneys, and is currently a member of the Kentucky Bar Association, American Association for Justice, State Bar of California. San Diego County Bar Association and San Diego Consumer Attorneys.

Attorney Martin Schmidt is a true consumer advocate, willing to fight for what is right, even against insurmountable odds.