Matt Collins – Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer

Matt Collins

Lionstone Expert Witness & Consulting Group

(877) 218-8994

(888) 449-4807

9205 W Russell Rd Build 3
Suite 240
Las Vegas , NV 89148

Monday – Friday:
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday – Sunday:

Matt Collins

Lionstone Expert Witness & Consulting Group


Firm Summary

Lionstone Expert Witness & Consulting Group of Las Vegas, NV was founded in 2011 and focused on medical malpractice legal assistance throughout all of the USA. We have a network of medical and nursing professionals in all areas of healthcare who research, analyze, and screen medical malpractice cases. We serve law firms, insurance agencies, government agencies, and risk management companies nationwide.

At Lionstone Expert Witness & Consulting Group, we provide comprehensive medical litigation consulting in-house. We have medical personnel on hand to help screen cases and guide you through the legal process. If you need medical malpractice help and are looking for an early resolution, depend on our team of medical and nursing experts for a customized legal strategy and full representation in court.

Whether you need a medical malpractice case screening or were the patient of a bad incompetent doctor or illegal medical practice, contact Lionstone Expert Witness & Consulting Group based in Las Vegas, Nevada for a personal case review. Our expertise is specialized in the medical malpractice and medical injury fields.