Rex Sofonio – Long Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

Rex Sofonio

Sofonio Law

(657) 232-3600

555 E. Ocean Ave
Ste 510
Long Beach , CA 90802

09:00am-5:00pm, Mon-Fri

Rex Sofonio

Sofonio Law


Firm Summary

Mr. Sofonio has represented a large variety of individual and business entities regarding personal injuries and civil litigation stemming from automobile accidents, motorcycle injuries, dog bites, premises liability, injunctive relief and multiple types of contractual disputes. Mr. Sofonio has years of experience dealing with and representing both the defense and prosecution regarding all civil litigation.

Mr. Sofonio received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Law and Society in 1994 from the University of California, Santa Barbara he then attended Law School at Whittier Law School in Los Angeles. During his third year at Whittier Law School, Mr. Sofonio completed an internship with Deputy District Attorneys office in Inglewood, CA.

While working with Inglewood D.A.’s office, Mr. Sofonio performed preliminary hearings and full criminal, jury trials, in which a conviction was always obtained. Mr. Sofonio graduated from Whittier Law School and received his California State Bar License in 1997.

Since his admission to the California Bar Association, Mr. Sofonio has been an aggressive litigator against the largest of companies and law firms. Mr. Sofonio invites the challenge of litigation and/or full trials. Mr. Sofonio places emphasis on his zealous advocacy for any and all of his clients, with a special goal on resolving any and all matters in a way which leaves each of his client’s happy and satisfied.

As a result of the many types of litigation and clients, Mr. Sofonio has been admitted to practice in the United States Court of Federal Claims. Mr. Sofonio has lectured at Whittier Law School regarding practice and business endeavors of an attorney. Further, Mr. Sofonio has participated as lead counsel in hundreds of mediations, arbitrations (both binding and non-binding), settlement conferences, bench trials, and jury trials