Richard Katz – Pasadena Personal Injury Lawyer

Richard Katz

The Law Offices of Richard M. Katz

(626) 796-6333

(626) 796-5615

1122 East Green Street
Pasadena , CA 91106

Richard Katz

The Law Offices of Richard M. Katz

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Firm Summary

I grew up in simpler times. There was more of the feeling of “helping the other guy” and “care for those less fortunate.” As a child in the 1950s and 1960s I was surrounded by organizations that embodied that spirit and philosophy, from the Red Cross to the March of Dimes to Good Will to United Way. Organizations dedicated to help those less fortunate.

I watched television about trial lawyers, Perry Mason, The Defenders and other shows in which lawyers represented the downtrodden and underdogs.

Living in a lower middle class city environment and growing up in apartments, I quickly learned how difficult it was for regular people to “get justice.”

As a child, I remember the story our African American mail man told us. His son had been injured and he rushed him to the hospital and they refused to treat his son because of insurance issues. Fortunately the boy did not die and he ultimately got care. But some events did not have happy endings. One of our neighbors was shot and killed because of poor security. My best friend’s dad died of undiagnosed cardiac condition my friend and I were 5 or 6 and his dad was in his 30s. Two young friends who lost their lives on a rafting trip because of unsafe equipment. A neighbor whose child died by drowning in an unprotected swimming pool.

I learned at a young age that bad things happen to good people. I also learned that a lot of my friends and neighbors lives were changed dramatically and forever because of events. Most did not have resources or access to good legal advice. I often thought why can’t they get a Perry Mason to help them. Ah the musing of a child. But these events, motivated me to envision a future in which I could help others in their time of need. In the coming decades I decide to go to college, the second in my family and attend law school.

Many years (decades) later while at Whittier College School of Law, I found that I was intrigued by case law that protected the rights of the injured. I participated in Law Review and advocacy classes. Quickly I realized I had a talent for trial work and that is wanted to do. Following graduation I went to work for senior trial attorneys. And soon I found myself trying personal injury cases and participating in trying medical malpractice cases.

It wasn’t long before I became a junior partner. We handled all types of complex personal injury cases such as medical malpractice, product liability, sports injuries, head injuries and catastrophic automobile injuries. Through the handling and successful conclusion of these cases, I learned that not only did we recover compensation for clients but often defendants changed the way they did things to prevent injuries in the future. Litigation led to changes for the better, a safer world.

Through the years as a trial lawyer I have been exposed to many types and varieties of complex personal injury cases. I have successfully tried to verdict a great variety of complex tort cases.

If I can help you in any way, even if only to discuss your case and give you some ideas and input as to your options, I would be happy to do so. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

I always enjoy speaking to potential clients and trying to assist them. Thank you.