Tim Jones – Portland Personal Injury Lawyer

Tim Jones

Tim Jones PC

(503) 374-1414


707 SW Washington St
Suite 600
Portland , OR 97205

Monday to Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Tim Jones

Tim Jones PC

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Firm Summary

People turn to Tim Jones when they need an Oregon personal injury attorney. They do so because Tim is the tough advocate they need to attain the justice they deserve.

The grandson of Irish immigrants who homesteaded in Eastern Oregon in the early 1900’s, Tim comes from a line of ranchers and mill workers. On his way to becoming an attorney, he spent the better part of two decades as a farm laborer, construction and mill worker. He spent two years living in Portland’s poorest neighborhoods running an emergency relief program,
delivering most basic of assistance to low income families.

Tim brings valuable lessons learned from rural Oregon and his work in the inner city to his more than 30 year legal career.  The values of hard work and preparation drive Tim to achieve the best possible results for his clients.  He has an authentic appreciation for the stress individuals and families face when confronted with personal injury or wrongful death. First and foremost a trial lawyer, Tim is determined to achieve justice on his clients’ behalf in cases involving trucking and motor vehicle accidents, construction and industrial workplace injuries, medical malpractice, maritime accidents, government torts, and dangerous and defective products.